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Unit 2 The Stables, Priston Mill Farm, Priston, Bath, Somerset, BA2 9EQ


STATUS: Available

SIZE: 592 - 592 sq ft

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Product Description

Unit 2 The Stables provides first floor office space and is accessed via the management office reception on site. The unit comprises approximately 592sq ft and benefits for good levels of natural light. The accommodation has its own internal entrance from the reception and is open plan, having natural light provided by rooflights with access to a shared ground floor WC / Kitchen facility.


Priston Mill is approximately 7 miles south of Bath and 12.8 miles south of Bristol. Despite its rural nature, the area is well connected with convenient access to major roads such as the A367 and A4. The site itself boasts beautifully restored historic buildings including the Watermill and the Tythe Barn and comprises office accommodation (The Stables) and separate industrial accommodation (The Dairy).

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Property Quote Price

Tenure Guide Price Price Type
Leasehold £10,000 Per Annum
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