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New business for Bath points to a more sustainable future

Bath has a new zero waste, refillable food store on London Road. The project is a family run start up business, which cites a vision for the business:

‘To be able to offer everything one needs in daily life but completely package free, single-use plastic free, sustainably sourced, healthy and natural, wherever possible organically certified, but not over produced or exploiting others or mother earth. 

We are also on our own journey of living more consciously, more sustainably with greater care for our future….’
The business is in line with a growing trend for more local, sustainable and environmentally friendly living.
we have seen enquiries increase through 2020 for local high street retail / neighbourhood retail, especially as in lock down communities have been forced to stay local. We anticipate this trend continuing into 2021 as customers rediscover their local high streets and move away from corporate offers.
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