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3, Bladud Buildings, Bath, BA1 5LS

PROPERTY TYPE: Bar, Office, Restaurant, Retail


SIZE: 2708 - 2708 sq ft

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Product Description

Commercial property suitable for a variety of uses

The façade is typical of a Georgian townhouse, with a retail offering on the ground floor, however, the property provides significantly larger sales area than its neighbours, as it extends the full length of what was once the garden to the townhouse, across the ground and basement levels.
The front of the property features two large windows, and a further window display at the edge of the property facing south, facing towards George Street.
Internally, the property offers over 1,000 sqft of open plan space at ground floor with a further storage space running at basement level.


Bath is a popular commercial centre attracting a wide range of businesses as well as being a renowned retailing and tourism destination, renowned for its period architecture. It has a residential population of over 108,326 and annual visitor numbers exceeding 6.25 million, according to the latest Visitor Impact Report 2018. Bath is served by excellent transport routes, including frequent train services to Bristol and London Paddington.

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The façade is typical of a Georgian townhouse, with a retail offering on the ground floor, however, the property provides significantly larger sales area than its neighbours, as it extends the full length of what was once the garden to the townhouse, across the ground and basement levels. The front of the property features two large windows, and a further window display at the edge of the property facing south, facing towards George Street. Internally, the property offers over 1,000 sqft of open plan space at ground floor with a further storage space running at basement level.

Size:2708 - 2708 Sq Ft
Demise Sq.ft Sq.m
Ground Floor 1341 124.6
Lower Ground Floor 1367 127



Property Quote Price

Tenure Guide Price Price Type
Leasehold £50,000 Per Annum
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